Support My Work

Support my work

Greetings and welcome to my site. I named it after myself because my lawyers felt it’s safer than calling it “SHIT I CREATE WHEN I MASH MY FACE INTO THE KEYBOARD” or “GET THAT UP YA, CRUDHOLES!”, and I can’t open a bank account in any of those names.

So after decades of writing about motorcycles, this is the place where I shall write about other things that may interest, excite, or appal you.

My motorcycle reviews will appear here as well, but they will always appear on BikeMe! first, because that is, after all, my motorcycle website.

This will be the place where my pieces on politics, religion, history, and life in general, will be published. I will, as always, try to entertain and inform you, but I will also challenge you, confront you, and hopefully maybe even cause you to smash the device you’re reading my work on into a billion pieces.

This will also be the place where you will be able to buy my books by clicking on the links that direct you to where they can be bought.

And this is the place where you can become a true patron of the writing arts by making a contribution to my ongoing work.

So you’ll note the paywalls, yes? Most of the content on the site is free, but there is exclusive subscriber content, because that’s the only way writers can make money, ie. getting readers to pay for the material they produce. You don’t have to subscribe, but if you chuck me $5, $10, or $20 a month, you’ll get to read stuff waaaaay before anyone else does, and get discounts on bike gear – and if you are zesty enough to make it $50 a month (you mad dog, you!), I’ll send you a free book, enter your name as a benefactor into my subsequent books, and generally love the shit out of you. You can also, if you’re so moved, make a donation without subscribing, and know that your money goes towards feeding my family, and myself…etc..

In return for your selfless patronage and generosity, I promise to always produce material which will be worthy of your contribution to my welfare.

Are you seated comfortably? Then let us begin…

Note: Once you have subscribed you will receive and email with a temporary password. This email often finds itself in the junk folder.

Subscribing is one of the best ways to support my work


  •  Non Subscriber : You will see most content straight away, but since you’re not a patron of the arts, you’ll see the exclusive content late, or maybe not at all. You may also lose out on special offers and discounts from some of the brands I work with. Cruel? Maybe. But certainly fair.


  •  Subscriber : Any regular donation of $5 a month makes you a subscriber, and my gratitude for your patronage will manifest itself in many ways. You will get to see everything I write pretty much as soon as I post it on here. But wait. There’s more. I will also send you a special number. With that special number you will get a wide range of discounts from my Made In Germany, the importers of Held Motorcycle Gear and Daytona boots. And, as time goes on, I shall add businesses to my network, and your discount will apply there as well. I reckon that’s fair. Hell, you used to spend more per month on shitty bike mags, didn’t you?


  •  Subscriber Plus : A regular donation of $10 a month (which is still cheaper than a bike mag) is a wonderfully generous contribution to the Arts. You too will get the discounts from Made In Germany and any new businesses which come on board. And your $10 a month will also secure you a 10 per cent discount on any and all BikeMe! merchandise, including my books. But wait, there’s more! You get a free stripper…hang on…no, that’s for the $1000-a-month subscribers. For your generous $10 a month, you will now have access to and discounts from one of Australia’s premier bike-transport firms, Moto Logistix.


  •  Patron : $20 a month makes you a True Patron of the Arts. Like a Medici prince, but without the red tights and codpiece. So what does this huge amount of hard-earned get you? I mean, apart from my love? Well, the content, of course. And you will also get the wide range of discounts from Made In Germany, and I’ll give you 20 per cent off any and all BikeMe! merchandise – including my books. And, as more businesses are coerced…erm, persuaded to join in, then I’ll roll that out for you as well.


  •  Patron Plus : For $50 a month, thou art a Lord King in my eyes. My fridge will runneth over. For your splendid generosity you will receive all of the above – and more. I will send you a copy of my latest book, The Wisdom Of The Road Gods, and in the very near future, you, and you alone, will get to read bits and pieces of my next book as I write it, your Majesty. Hell, I might even put your name in it, so it will live forever, and your ancestors will know of your great and good generosity.




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One-Off Tipper : Go you, mad dog, you! You read something that moved you, and you figured, “WTF! I’m gonna chuck him a fiddy, or a twenny! I might even send him a bag of gak!”. Might be better than bunging that money into Big Red and hoping for a feature. Certainly funnier and more satisfying…unless that feature comes up…and, well, I can’t beat that. But I will buy you a beer if we ever meet.

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One-Off Tipper: Go you, mad dog, you! You read something that moved you, and you figured, “WTF! I’m gonna chuck him a fiddy, or a twenny! I might even send him a bag of gak!”. Might be better than bunging that money into Big Red and hoping for a feature. Certainly funnier and  more satisfying…unless that feature comes up…and, well, I can’t beat that. But I will buy you a beer if we ever meet.

Boris Mihailovic

Boris is a writer who has contributed to many magazines and websites over the years, edited a couple of those things as well, and written a few books. But his most important contribution is pissing people off. He feels this is his calling in life and something he takes seriously. He also enjoys whiskey, whisky and the way girls dance on tables. And riding motorcycles. He's pretty keen on that, too.

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