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There’s some rather alarming shit going on with our “man-ness”. And by “man-ness”, I am talking about that wondrous he-hormone, testosterone.


Now I know our modern world blames testosterone for everything. Like, literally. You name it, and testosterone is the root-cause of all of mankind’s ills.


The simplistic idiot view is as follows:


Wars – All the fault of men who make too much testosterone, which makes them war-like and violent.


Global warming – the filthy testosterone-ridden patriarchy is obsessed with exploiting the earth’s dwindling resources with its mining erection.


Financial issues – if the man-pig merchant bankers, hedge-fund operators, and stockbrokers would only stop having a pissing contest every day of their lives, everyone’s economies would stabilise and all will be well, and all manner of things will be well.


The road toll – clearly, aggressive men and their bobbing phalluses cannot be trusted to drive, and selling the bastards 1000-horsepower cock-shaped cars made by other testo-fuelled rapists is not helping.


Domestic violence – if men had their testosterone removed, women would never be beaten, because testosterone is what causes domestic violence, not alcohol, drugs, or just being a wife-beating piece-of-shit.


You get my drift, right? The hormone that drove mankind to get up on its hind legs, attack the mastodons, defend the cave, forge empires, create legal systems, make world-changing discoveries, and which impels men to sacrifice everything for the safety and well-being of the mother and her children, is now the bad guy.


As men get older, their testosterone level drops. You’re just not getting the diamond-cutter stiffies you were getting in your teens no more, and your desire to beat the sassy shit out of most of your fellow men drops off as we age. This is probably just well, I guess. For some. I’m still gonna go to an endocrinologist to get me some testosterone supplements, but you do you.


But all that aside, what is actually happening to our testosterone levels in the last half-century is very disturbing.


I read an article on Substack recently which dug around in our dropping testosterone levels and what it found was that compared to the 1940s and 1950s, we’re barely men at all. Eight of the studies showed the following levels of testosterone in men 80 or so years ago:


 Riondel et al: This study reported an average testosterone level of 800 ng/dl, which is often cited as a reference point for natural testosterone levels in the 1940s and 1950s.

Coppage & Cooner: Their study found an average testosterone level of 650 ng/dl.

Burger et al: This study reported an average testosterone level of 700 ng/dl.

Hudson et al: Two studies by Hudson et al found average testosterone levels of 740 ng/dl and 709 ng/dl.

Rosner et al: This study found average testosterone levels of 880 ng/dl for working-age men and 1510 ng/dl for young men.

Kirschner et al: This study reported an average testosterone level of 740 ng/dl.

Lobotsky et al: This study found an average testosterone level of 640 ng/dl.

Brownie et al: This study reported an average testosterone level of 690 ng/dl.


Thus, the average testosterone level back then was 730 ng/dL. And if you’re interested, ancient man strutted around with approximately 1,500 ng/dL.


What is it today?


Not fucken good, pardon the pun. Mean total testosterone decreased from 1999-2000 (605.39 ng/dL), 2003-2004 (567.44 ng/dL), 2011-2012 (424.96 ng/dL), 2013-2014 (431.76 ng/dL), and 2015-2016 (451.22 ng/dL; all P < . 0001)


And it’s still going down.


So what the ever-loving fuck is going on here? It cannot be the sheer willpower of the collective fourth-and-fifth wave, all-men-are-rapists-and-must-die feminists that is doing this. They’re not actually witches with supernatural powers.


It could be our diets. It could be our sedentary lifestyles. It could be our slavish devotion to the God of Safety Uber Alles. And it might be a combination of all of those or some other unknown factors. No-one is wondering very hard about it at all, and billions of dollars are not being poured into research to discover why men are becoming less manly.


What happens when your testosterone levels drop? Well, there is some science about that. The symptoms of low testosterone are anxiety, depression, and loss of drive and purpose. Men become weaker and more vulnerable.


It certainly suits our society and its current narrative to have vulnerable men. Vulnerable people, male and female, make excellent victims and can be coerced and policed and subjugated much easier than legions of hard-cocked, broad-shouldered bear-killers.


Men should never be vulnerable. They should be resilient. When life beats them down, they need to get the fuck back up and keep on keeping on. Resilience is both emotional and physical. Vulnerability, both physical and emotional, is bullshit. Vulnerability is failing as a man.


I knew a bloke once who prided himself on being “effete”. It was how he openly viewed himself. He felt this was a good thing to be.


I asked him if he knew what that word meant. He said he did. But I bet he went home and looked it up anyway. If you’re wondering, the definition is this:


effete • \ih-FEET\ • adjective. 1 : no longer fertile 2 a : having lost character, vitality, or strength b : marked by weakness or decadence c : soft or delicate from or as if from a pampered existence 3 : having feminine qualities untypical of a man : not manly in appearance or manner.


I’m also fairly sure he does not care about his testosterone levels.


But I do. And we all should.

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Boris Mihailovic

Boris is a writer who has contributed to many magazines and websites over the years, edited a couple of those things as well, and written a few books. But his most important contribution is pissing people off. He feels this is his calling in life and something he takes seriously. He also enjoys whiskey, whisky and the way girls dance on tables. And riding motorcycles. He's pretty keen on that, too.

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